Cyber security is no longer about merely guarding your endpoints

Your cloud platform is just as crucial to your data security.

In the digital landscape of 2023, the concept of cyber security has evolved to accommodate the sophisticated advancements and techniques of cyber criminals. Cyber security is no longer about merely guarding your endpoints – desktop computers, laptops, smartphones – but also about securing software as a service like cloud platforms. The latter has become an integral part of businesses and individuals alike, providing scalable, flexible, and cost-effective solutions for data storage and management and running a plethora of business processes. However, the rise in cloud adoption has not been met with a commensurate increase in cloud security awareness, often leading to increased risk.

Cyber security, in its essence, is about protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. These attacks often aim to access, change, or destroy sensitive information; disrupt normal business processes; or extort money from users. In an evolving digital world, the nature of these threats has become increasingly complex, involving sophisticated phishing schemes, advanced persistent threats, and state-sponsored attacks.

As we delve further into the digital era, the traditional understanding of cyber security, focused primarily on endpoint protection, is no longer sufficient. The ubiquitous use of cloud platforms necessitates an equal emphasis on cloud security, an aspect often overlooked by many businesses.

Why Do Many Companies Overlook Their Cloud Security When Their Endpoint Security is so Robust?

Despite the evident threats posed by cyber criminals, many companies still overlook the importance of cloud security. This can be attributed to a few reasons. Firstly, companies often view cloud security as the responsibility of the cloud service provider, leading to a lack of proactive measures on their part. Secondly, many companies remain under the false impression that their existing endpoint security measures are enough to cover their cloud platforms. Lastly, there is a general lack of understanding and awareness about the unique threats associated with cloud platforms.

Companies invest heavily in endpoint security, implementing robust antivirus and anti-malware solutions, firewalls, intrusion detection systems and more. They understand that their endpoints are the gateway for cyber criminals to infiltrate their networks, and hence, they leave no stone unturned in fortifying their defenses.

However, when it comes to cloud security, the same vigilance is often missing. Many businesses fail to realize that their cloud platforms are just as vulnerable, if not more, as their physical endpoints. This complacency can prove to be costly, as a breach in cloud security can lead to massive data loss or theft, tarnish the company’s reputation, and lead to hefty fines and penalties.

3 Reasons Why You Should Treat Your Cloud Platform in the Same Way You Treat Your Endpoints

1. Increase in Cloud-Based Attacks

Cyber criminals are increasingly targeting cloud platforms due to the massive amounts of data they store and the perceived lax security measures. From sophisticated phishing attacks to advanced persistent threats, the cloud has become the new battleground for cyber security.

2. Compliance and Regulatory Requirements

Regulatory bodies worldwide are imposing stringent rules and regulations for data protection. Failure to secure your cloud platforms can lead to non-compliance, resulting in severe penalties and damage to your company’s reputation.

3. Business Continuity and Incident Recovery

Cloud platforms are often integral to a company’s business continuity and incident recovery plans. A breach in cloud security can lead to data loss, lengthy disruption of operations, and significant financial loss. Furthermore, with analytics and full audit trails available, threat hunters can investigate attacks in the cloud which they wouldn’t be able to do without additional security capabilities.

Why a Cyber Attack on Your Cloud Can Be Especially Damaging

A cyber attack on your cloud platform can be especially damaging for several reasons. Firstly, the cloud typically stores vast amounts of data, much of which is sensitive or confidential. A breach can lead to extensive data loss or theft, causing irreparable harm to your business.

Secondly, cloud breaches are often more difficult to detect than conventional attacks. Cyber criminals can remain undetected in the cloud environment for extended periods, silently exfiltrating data or causing havoc. This prolonged exposure can lead to substantial damage before the attack is even identified. Indeed, threats in the cloud can only be effectively detected when full audit trails and analytics are available.

Lastly, the cloud’s interconnected nature means a breach can have far-reaching implications, affecting multiple systems and networks simultaneously. This can disrupt your business operations and result in significant financial loss.


In conclusion, the same diligence and rigor applied to endpoint security should be extended to cloud security. Cloud platforms, like physical endpoints, can be the entry point for cyber criminals to infiltrate your network. Therefore, they should be treated with the same level of seriousness and protection.

Preventing attacks at the first line of defense – be it an endpoint device or a cloud platform – is crucial to maintaining robust cyber security. This includes implementing robust security measures, educating staff about the importance of cloud security, and regularly auditing and testing your security posture.

The repercussions of a cyber attack on your cloud platform can be far-reaching and devastating. However, with the right approach and tools, you can fortify your defenses and ensure that your data stays safe.

Protect the data in your cloud from malicious actors with WithSecureTM Cloud Protection for Salesforce. With our comprehensive cloud security solution, you can rest assured that your cloud platforms are as secure as your physical endpoints. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Secure your cloud today.

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