WithSecure at Dreamforce 2023!

The rapidly evolving digital landscape demands an agile and proactive approach to cybersecurity. At WithSecure, we constantly strive to stay ahead of the curve, and our presence at Dreamforce 2023 stands as a testament to that. We're thrilled to be part of this event and can't wait to dive deep into the sea of innovation, engagement and collaboration.

Why We're Attending

Our raison d'être goes beyond just providing cloud protection for Salesforce. We stand as strategic partners, believing wholeheartedly that in cybersecurity, collaborative efforts are pivotal. The individual brilliance of a company can be amplified manifold when combined with shared wisdom and expertise. And what better platform than Dreamforce, which promises over 1,500 sessions teeming with innovation and fresh perspectives.

What We’ll Be Doing

  • Cloud Security Insights: Join our Theater Session with Salesforce where our Technical Sales Manager Tyler Walker and our Senior Director of Product Management Pete Thurston will shed light on cloud security's intricacies, offering strategies to bolster your Salesforce environment's defense mechanisms.

  • A Glimpse into the Future at Booth #430: Swing by our booth to get a firsthand experience of our innovative solution. From identifying vulnerabilities via our free risk assessments to live demos, you'll see the prowess of our tailored tools in action.

  • WithSecure at the Demo Jam: Mark your calendars for September 14, 4:30 p.m. at Theater 5! It’s not just a presentation; it's our commitment to Salesforce cloud security, innovation and you. Your vote and support mean the world to us.

  • APAC on Tour — A Special Highlight: For our attendees traveling from the Asia-Pacific region, we have curated special interactions at the APAC tour lounge. Dive into a live demonstration, discover our robust security measures and get a feel for our seamless Salesforce integration, all while having a chat with our experts.

Let's Co-create the Future

Dreamforce 2023 will spotlight our dedication to a safer digital landscape. Central to our showcase is Cloud Protection for Salesforce — our product that encapsulates state-of-the-art cybersecurity. 

Unlike many in the industry driven solely by the urge to sell, we emphasize technology that adapts, both to your present needs and every unpredictable tomorrow.

Trust, in our books, is a product of unwavering collaboration and shared goals. Our journey in developing this product has been one of listening and learning, epitomizing our philosophy of constant evolution and refinement to meet client needs.

With the ever-increasing challenges in the digital landscape, we’re focused on providing a partnership that foresees potential challenges and is equipped to tackle them head-on.

At the heart of it all, we believe in synergy. It’s in our collaborative efforts that we find strength and resilience. Together, we can ensure a more secure environment where businesses thrive amidst threats and challenges.

We’re WithSecure, and we can't wait to explore groundbreaking ideas, show our innovative solution and help your business soar to new cybersecurity heights.

Join us at Dreamforce from September 12-14, 2023 and let's redefine what's possible. Because remember, no one can solve every cybersecurity problem alone. But together, we can make strides that matter.

Interested learning more


What is Cloud Protection for Salesforce?


How Cloud Protection for Salesforce Works

Secure your Salesforce today.

Tailored for high compliance sectors, our certified solution safeguards Salesforce clouds for global enterprises, including finance, healthcare, and the public sector.

Fill the form and get:

  • Free 15-day trial
  • Personalized Salesforce security risk assessment report
  • Demo and a solution consultation
  • Support from our dedicated experts with setup and configurations